Ever feel like you just want to tell yourself to just get over it?
I’m in a mood today – feeling sorry for myself, pathetic, and like a waste of space. I feel like I haven’t gotten anything done this week, that I’m a failure in my personal and professional life, and I’m kind of wondering why the hell should I bother?
I try to remember that I love what I do.
I generally love my life.
Things are actually pretty good.
But sometimes, you just want to wallow. Until you get sick of yourself. I’m kind of getting to the “sick of myself” stage now, but might need a few more hours of “wallowing in my self-pity”.
I know that when I ask for engagement and feedback and others, that (shocker!) they will give me feedback. I know that there will be questions, and challenges, and ideas that I had not considered. And I know that at least some of that will be helpful and will help make whatever I am working on better.
But sometimes? Sometimes you just want someone to say, “Wow, this is awesome!” Granted, that might not get you that far, particularly if whatever-it-is isn’t that awesome.
Not to mention, I won’t get what I want in my life if I don’t challenge myself.
So a couple more hours of wallowing. Hopefully a more productive day. And a bit of an attitude shift.