Bits and bobs

So, classes FINALLY started. It seems later and later each year, I swear. My new group seems to be quite motivated but, well, it’s only been one class so far. We’ll see how today goes. At least they all seem to have done the pre-work for class, which is heartening. My students are all moving forward at what seems to be warp speed – again, heartening. They are really starting to forge their own paths and it’s so much fun to watch.

And yet, I’m feeling kind of, well, blah. Part of it is probably the weather. As Engie and Kae have documented, we had a long cold snap with a lot of snow, but the last week has been bizarrely warm. And next week doesn’t seem to be any more winter-like. It is completely throwing me off. While I’m not super-fond of days with highs of, you know, 3F, I’m also not really down with 50 in Wisconsin in February. What is that all about? (I know, climate change, but it just seems like we’re seeing its effects more acutely each year…)

Adding to my blah-ness are the multiple days when the world does not line up the way I would like it to. When the plans I had just… don’t come to pass. And yet, I persist in trying to complete everything on my list in the way I had planned. Which (remember) isn’t lining up.

So, time for a mental reset. A reminder to myself that, despite the weather, despite my blahs, that this too shall pass. Or, as Nicole would say, there is a time after this. Here’s hoping it comes on the heels of some more seasonal temperatures, a bit of sunshine (please, send sun), and the lifting of the blahs.

Happy hump day, everyone. May the rest of the week treat you well. <3

I’ll leave with you with this thought for your day (and mine):

We can change, evolve, and trans­form our own conditioning. We can choose to move like water rather than be molded like clay. Life spirals in and then spirals out on any given day. It does not have to be one way, one truth, one voice. ~Terry Tempest Williams

17 thoughts on “Bits and bobs

    1. As much as I hate to say it, I’m glad I’m not the only one. I just…what? There are 40s all the way through next week! I do not like this. Not one bit. 😛

  1. I’m finding the weather unbearable. I actually didn’t mind the bitter cold because the sun was shining, but now it’s still cold, but there’s no sun. I feel like I wake up every morning with the hopes that today will be the day the sun comes out, only be let down in the end. The sun will come again. If only we can make it through March, I guess.

    1. Yes, to all of this. We will make it to March – and then we will embark on our tour de state campuses. 😉 Sunshine would go a long way to improving my mood (there was a bit yesterday, so that helped). Hang in there. Thinking of you. <3

    1. True, that, but I’m also freaked out by the weirdly warm weather. (Hello, alliteration…) I live in the upper Midwest! Why is it 40 in February??? Gah.

  2. It was in the 80s here in Florida last weekend and I was NOT OKAY. I need more days in the 60s, please. I am not ready for hot weather yet.

    I understand the blahness, for sure. January can be such a hard month! I hope things start looking up for you. <3

    1. I am not okay with this weather, either, Stephany. Although I (as a Northerner) would not mind visiting FL in winter and hitting 80s, I’d also be seriously disturbed by the increasingly frequent anomalies. At what point do they become “how things are now”? Sigh.

  3. If there was at least some sunshine… it does change (almost) everything. Sending a little from CA although we also had our fair share of rainy days here.

    1. You did have rain – and you are having more now, I think? I keep seeing dire warning about your atmospheric rivers. Be safe out there, my friend!

    1. I definitely agree, Tobia. (And trust me, I’m usually so late to your blog that I don’t comment, which is a terrible habit, as you write such lovely posts…) The blahs are lifting a bit here but still definitely in blah-land. Hope you are having a better February than you did January. <3

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