Current state

I hate posting things that are not positive, particularly in this space between the years, but this is where I am right now, and this is one of the few places (virtual and real life) where I can be fully me.

I’m not going to lie – 2024 for me was like being on an endless roller coaster that sped up over the course of the year. A conglomeration of challenges made just getting through seem like a victory. And here I am. So, what is my current state? I think it’s best summed up by Adam Grant’s article on languishing.

The term has been applied primarily to the COVID-19 pandemic, but for me, it describes this season of my life. I just feel…blah. Like I’m getting through the days, often without any particular highs or lows, but just surviving. For me, it seems to be the result of having a lot added to my list without much (if anything) being removed.

At the start of the year, I got tenure (well, I made it over the last “big hurdle”, and the remaining mini-hurdles were mostly pro forma). Which, of course, was amazing. This was an achievement I had hoped to attain in my life as an academic.

Then I found out the reality, which was that tenure = more responsibilities because yay, you’re a senior faculty member now! More committees, students, mentees… and the list goes on. I also added things to my own list, mostly because I dislike turning down requests and/or pleas from fellow faculty members. And it doesn’t help that I dealt with multiple health challenges that persisted throughout the year and will continue into 2025. I also – much to my chagrin – wasn’t able to keep up with blog reading and commenting, which seemed necessary but in hindsight just made me feel more distant from a community that I love and value and want to be engaged with. Spring semester will be even more challenging. My health issues have not resolved, I’ve had classes added to my schedule, and there will be more (there is always more, it seems).

Which begs the question: Now what? This will be a separate (hopefully more positive) post, but I am actively seeking to change my mindset, shift my focus, and think about what matters to me. If this sounds familiar, it’s because I’ve been posting about this since I started this blog. This time, though, seems different. I certainly hope so.

I considered turning off comments on this post, but decided to leave them open. Please know that I am okay, I just need to figure out how to get through and past this stage in my life. Having you all in my life will help me do that. <3

I’m going to leave you with an unusual quote (for me):

When I was young, I believed that life might unfold in an orderly way, according to my hopes and expectations. But now I understand that the Way winds like a river, always changing, ever onward.. My journeys revealed that the Way itself creates the warrior; that every path leads to peace, every choice to wisdom. And that life has always been, and will always be, arising in Mystery. ~Socrates

22 thoughts on “Current state

  1. I’m so sorry to hear this. 🙁
    Some periods of life just keep giving blah. I can totally relate (especially recently). And I totally understand about the increased responsibility with its increased workload… not what you needed although your new role is also a positive accomplishment and sign of appreciation (I think?).
    These days in rough times I try to tell myself as a mantra “this too shall pass”, and “everything will be ok eventually” because that is usually the case. Hang in there and remember there’s always your support team here in the comment section. Sending big hugs your way!

    1. Thanks, my friend. Having you in my life really helps – you get the burnout thing, and you’ve made amazing changes to your life that continue to inspire me. <3
      The new role IS a positive accomplishment and I think reframing it as such is one possibility for helping me see the good and not the frustrating and annoying.
      I like "this too shall pass", and another blogger (Nicole @ has a saying, "There will be a time after this." Nothing lasts forever, even when it seems as though it might.

  2. I hope 2025 brings healing (physically), reprieve (practically), and rest (emotionally). I also hope you find ways to set up fresh boundaries around your time. It’s okay to say No, and perhaps this year might need to include more Nos than Yeses?

    1. Elisabeth, I was thinking of you and your year of Shmita and rest as I wrote this post. It really resonated with me – and honestly impressed me. You made a huge change in how you live your life and it seems to have made a difference in how you feel. I’d love to know what helped you get to that point – a book? reflections on your own? your therapist?
      I may go back to your original post on the subject to glean some wisdom…but you may also hear from me, seeking some insights on how I can implement similar changes in my life.
      Thank you for being here, my friend. It makes a huge difference.

  3. I can relate to “I need to get past this stage in my life”! Let’s just say that 2024 was very helpful in clarifying that a lot of “that stage” is work. It’s fairly easy to step away from life as a corporate accountant, and I think more difficult for folks with more, uh, meaningful work.

    All the best as you work through The Stage and to everything on the other side! Hopefully our paths will cross IRL again this year. <3

    1. You are one of my inspirations in all of this, Birchie – you focused on what was not working (literally, ha) and then *made the change*. This is where I tend to slip up. I just… can’t get past those mental blocks. But honestly? I really have to right now. I am hoping that 2025 is a year of positive change for me. I hope we will cross paths IRL again soon.

  4. Oh, my friend, I’m so sorry you’re navigating these challenges, still. Please know I’m here – even when we’re both quiet! – and thinking of you with hopes for what comes next <3

    1. Lindsay, you have had your own challenges, and I so appreciate you sharing them on your blog. It helps me realize that I am not alone. We are both definitely quiet but it really helps knowing you – and everyone else – are here. <3 Hugs, my friend.

  5. Oh Anne, I could have written this post. Our years certainly rhymed with each other. I’m definitely languishing right now, and then I think about the challenges others face and I feel terrible that I’m struggling like I am. But this freaking flare impacts my quality of life so much that it’s hard for me to overcome the pain and the challenges it presents since my children need me to do so many things for them! So I’ve let myself sort of sink into my melancholy feelings – but I want to snap out of it in 2025, but probably not until my surgery is behind me.

    I was thinking breathe would be my word of the year for 2024 but I’m thinking of pivoting to light instead. I need more light and lightness in my life in 2025.

    1. Lisa, I could have written your comment on my blog on your blog! (Does that make sense?) I feel like I need to drive up to MSP so we can download to each other. You have so much on your plate – work, work travel, kids, social engagement… I cannot wait until you have your surgery, and I REALLY hope that it is successful.

      Breathe is a good one – I am leaning towards “prioritize” or “priorities”. Focusing on what matters. We both need more lightness in our lives – we will get there, my friend. Hugs. <3

  6. It sounds like things are tough for you right now. Sending lots of love your way. Big hugs (I can never remember which friends are huggers and which are not. Are you a hugger? If not, consider it a virtual air hug. Well, I guess all virtual hugs are air hugs in which case this comment makes zero sense.) I leave you to unscramble my weird commentary! The way indeed is like a river. xoxoxo

    1. Thanks, Nicole. I accept hugs, virtual or otherwise, from people who matter to me. You qualify. 😉
      The way is like a river… I’ve not heard that one, but life (and the way through life) truly is like a river. Thank you for being here, my friend. <3

  7. Well, if you ever need inspiration on how to say no, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I’m the biggest fan of not leaving the house and doing the bare minimum at work!

  8. I always think of Socrates as being a douche, with his stupid arguing and ‘what about this, why can’t you think properly you dum dum’ stuff, so I am VERY pleasantly surprised that this wonderful quote is from him. The way is like a river – which reminds me of the saying, The Ocean Refuses no River. Do you remember the singer, Sheila Chandra? She had a lovely song that included that phrase, Ever So Lonely.

    I’m sorry life is this way right now. I have friends who are finding the successful part of their careers to be frustrating and exhausting. Those that can afford to are bailing (aka, retiring early). Not really what we expected when we were young, is it? One of the quotes that came up in the comments on Elisabeth’s post the other day (I think?) was, “What would this look like if it were easy?” Is that something you could bring into your work life? Is there a way to rethink some of the stuff to make it easier? I know a bit about academia, not sure if there is a way, but maybe you can stew on that one and see if there is any wisdom to be found. Something you can change.

    I’m also very sorry to hear that you are having health issues. I’ve gone through some of that and it’s tiring and stupid.

    I remember when I worked at Penn, I was the assistant to the Sociology department chair. He eventually quit and went to Duke, I think. He said he was happy with his job until he became chair, and then he saw the petty BS side of so many of his colleagues. I guess what I’m saying is to try to avoid that job if you can manage. Kind of like being on your homeowners association (a different level of hell).

    My word doesn’t change from year to year. I took it from the memoir, You Could Make This Place Beautiful. The word is Peace. It really encompasses so much. Peace in my heart, in my body, in my family, in my job, in my town, my country, my world. I want Peace. I want Peace for you too Anne. Sending encouraging thoughts your way.

    1. Julie, there is no possible way I can thank you for such a thoughtful and helpful comment. So, I’ll just say thank you and hope you know how heartfelt it is. You have some wonderful thoughts here – things that I definitely need to consider, or at least take in and digest. I know I will come back to it.

      This: “I have friends who are finding the successful part of their careers to be frustrating and exhausting.” is so, so true. It’s this odd combination of “Wow, I kind of made it!” and “Oh no, I kind of made it.” Balancing happiness with some of the pressure relief with dread at what will I be handed next?

      I do not think that I am in the right headspace today to parse “The way is like a river”, or “the ocean refuses no river”. The implication is that life – and time – keep moving, and that (at least to me) this means that I need to accept that and make it the best that I can. I can’t get off the ride, but I can make it tolerable, and maybe even fun?

      I’ll ponder more about this in the days to come, but my brain is fried today and I think that’s all I have for now. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. <3

  9. I hope 2025 is an easier year for. A year where things start falling into place. When saying no is an option. When health challenge will resolve. May 2025 be a happy one filled with wonderful moments, sunshine and laughter.

  10. I thought of you and of this post this morning while I was doing my yoga, and I remembered this meditation that I did the other day, that I found helpful. If what you need is a perspective tweak, maybe this would be helpful? I especially liked the idea of sitting by a small river (creek?) and putting things you want to let go of into the river, and letting them float away.

    1. Thank you so much for thinking of me, my friend. I haven’t tried this yet – got derailed this morning, unfortunately – but hope to this week. I have never done any Yoga with Adriene but I know she is quite popular (as is, of course, her puppy). <3

  11. 2024 was indeed a trying year for you, friend. Your voice has been greatly missed and I’m sorry that work has become such a battle for you. Like Engie, I am a PRO at boundaries, especially when it comes to my work life. But I just don’t have that same sort of drive toward my work life that some people do, so that makes it easier. That’s not to say I don’t feel guilt or shame sometimes because I definitely do… but I can usually push past that. Here’s to more boundaries, more blogging, and more rest in 2025!

    1. Stephany, you are absolutely right about boundaries. And quite honestly, I STINK at setting them. I am learning, though. I am not responding immediately to requests for my time/input/energy. (Right now, I have 2 competing requests and I need to figure out how to turn down the one that is far too much work and time for me.)
      Can I come down for a) help with boundaries, b) help with resting, c) meeting you, and d) time in the sun? (Just kidding, I’m not going to descend on you, but I learn so much from you!) <3

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