To post this, but rather than leaving this page un-updated…
I’m dealing with a lot of Hard Things right now, so I’m not present here or even in your comments. I’m not keeping up with CBBC. Right now it’s just about getting through. So, please know that I will be okay, it will just take time. Love you all, can’t wait to be back here.
xo take care, Anne
Thanks, Nicole. <3
I’m sending you good thoughts and internet hugs as you get through and work toward the path of being OK. I know for a fact that you have a lot of internet friends who care about you and who are rooting for you whether you post or not and whether you leave comments or not. You are One of Us <3
Working through it is definitely easier knowing my people are out there, thinking of me. What did I ever do before finding this group? Shared joys and challenges… so much more joyful to share, so much easier to carry burdens with others. <3
I’m glad you posted this because I’ve been wondering about how you were doing. Thank you for checking in and I hope that calmer waters and easier times are ahead for you. Sending you lots of light and love.
Lisa, we have to get together sometime this year. I’m making it a mini-goal. I’m overdue a trip to MSP, or maybe we could ‘meet in the middle’. I have a feeling you and I could talk for a while about chronic illness stuff. Hope you are doing okay – that The Splint is off, and that you are starting to feel more like you. Your light posts are, well, lighting my life. <3
Thinking of you! Always only a text away! <3
I know you are – shared burdens are lighter burdens, my friend. <3
Sending hugs! Take care of yourself.
Always welcome…and thanks. Trying to get out of this is not easy but will happen. I now have a ‘team’ making sure it will!
I’m sorry to hear that, grateful for the update. Sometimes you just have to iris down to the manageable things. Wishing you comfort and healing, will be here when you’re back.
Allison, thank you. Healing is starting, slowly. Mental, emotional, and physical. <3
Okay Anne, sounds like you’re going through a lot. We are here for you! Take care and we’ll see you on the other side.
Hoping the other side comes quickly.. your blogs are all sustaining me right now. <3
Thanks for the update. Hope the coming weeks and months bring healing and happiness.
Hugs <3
Elisabeth, you sent such a lovely postcard that I never thanked you for, as it arrived just before things really went south. Your care and concern and long distance hugs make such a difference, my friend. <3 Thank you.
Sending you love <3
Thank you, Kim. <3
Hang in there Anne! Thank you for updating us, and hoping things get easier for you soon. Sending strength your way.
I got your postcard yesterday – the beautiful Mary Cassatt one – and it just lifted my heart. Thank you. Hard now, yes, but hoping to move through this and be back to me, well, soon(-ish). <3
I am so sorry that you are in a hard season. Please know my email is open if you ever need someone to talk to. I am also happy to give you my phone number! <3 Take good care of yourself, friend.
It hasn’t been easy, but every time I open up to this community, the love and support just come flowing in. I (We) are so lucky. I may take you up on that email/phone offer… life has been A Lot in 2025 for so many of us, and it helps so much to know that we’re in this together. Hugs, my friend. <3
Very late to comment, but I hope things are going as well as possible. Thinking of you.
There is no late comment, Suzanne. Things are finally starting to level out, just ready to feel like me again. I so appreciate your posts and always hesitate to comment because, well, (sigh) late comments. I need to get over that, myself, apparently. 🙂 <3
Just popping back in to say hello and I hope all is going okay. xxoo
Thanks, my friend. I owe everyone an update. Things are going… okay is probably the best descriptor. Three weeks into this now. It’s hard to get used to not having the life I had (at least for now) but, well, I think I’m slowly adapting.
Your posts – and the glimpses into your life – are one of the joys of my days. Thank you for continuing to share. <3