I hope that everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Christmas that was what you wanted it to be, whether that is a small, quiet celebration, or a large and noisy gathering. And, for those facing hard times (and there are so many, these days, who are), I hope that you were able to find some light and comfort these past few days.
Thinking of those hard times, I feel like I need to acknowledge that the world is very heavy right now, for many people. I try not to get too political on this blog, and I’m going to do my best to avoid that now. What I will say, though, is that my heart is hurting for so many, and that I am wishing for peace for the new year.
That said, the last week has had a few bright spots that have lifted my spirits in what can be a rather chaotic season (particularly when paired with a draconian semester schedule this year…). There were some interesting snafus in there, too, but each of the last 5 or so days has brought a smile to my face for various reasons.
There was the Wednesday lunch that I had with a work friend, preceded by a random 30 minute discussion with said friend and another colleague. These are 2 of my favorite people at work, but we rarely get to just catch up on (mostly) work-related things. This led into a takeout lunch from Jimmy John’s with one of them, where we caught up on life and things on our shared list of “work stuff”, and I was reminded of the joy of a sandwich. This is so goofy, but… I rarely order sandwiches. I don’t know why – I am just more of a “salad for lunch” person. Friends, that little sandwich was such a bright spot in my day.
The next day included a therapy session, during which I recounted some of the month’s bright spot, making that session a bright spot in its own right. đ
Friday, though, had a snafu followed almost immediately by one of the brightest spots of the week. I did a drive up order at Target shortly after they opened (the only way I can tolerate Target right before the holidays…), and the lovely Target person put the two bags in the trunk. I went home, had a relatively good day of work, and…realized at 5 pm that I had left the bags in the car all day. Including a container of cottage cheese. (Cue forehead slap.) So, yeah, that’s $3.50 down the drain. But then! I got a random text from my college roomie, checking my advice, which led to a 30-minute text exchange, an update on her kids, and an invitation to come visit them this summer. Which I am seriously considering. That alone would have been a bright spot sufficient to light the whole weekend. Never underestimate the power of reaching out on someone else’s day/life.
And Saturday brought lunch with an old friend in the area, during which I laughed as hard as I have laughed in, well, months. I needed that lunch, and that time. It just continued the bright into another day.
So yes, there are bits of brightness out there. I’m glad I’m finally recognizing them a bit more, and realizing just how much of a difference they make. And, how much I can do to make that happen. So, yes, I need to schedule the lunch. Respond to the text. Take advantage of random encounters that leave me with a smile for the entire afternoon. A good lesson to take into 2024.
I’ll just leave you with a Charlie Mackesy quote from Instagram (he wrote The boy, the mole, the fox, and the horse, which, if you are wondering, is one of the most heart-touching books I have read, although reviews, of course vary…):
“What are your favorite things?” “Cake and hope,” said the mole. “Hope is the whisper that tells us there’s a light, even in the darkest tunnels.”
I hope you can find a bit of light these days.