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I started reading Grit last week and was immediately drawn in.

I’ve always thought of myself as a plodder. I’ve never been the best or brightest. Near the top, yes, but not at the top. Doing good work but not truly excelling. There’s something to be said for persistence and perseverance (why can I never spell that correctly the first time??). I, like many, feel less than when I compare myself to my more-accomplished peers.

And yet, I feel more comfortable with myself personally and professionally than I have in a long time. If I had pursued my initial passion and succeeded… if I had been a rising star instead of someone just plugging along, I might have missed what my true passion is.

It’s taken a fair amount of wandering around – not in the wilderness, maybe, but in the upper Midwest, which may be a form of the wilderness? I was sharing my “trajectory” with someone yesterday and realized that where I was with my ideas and thinking and conceptualizations when I started is nowhere near where I am now. And I like where I am now much, much better. I love what I do. I have a passion for it. So in a way I’m grateful that I didn’t succeed right away, as that might have shifted me onto a path for which I would have had less passion.

For me, having that passion and that drive is more essential than succeeding rapidly. I’ll get there. Eventually.

Surprised and humbled

Image result for quotes on surprising yourself
No attribution for this one, but it’s particularly apt for me this weekend. 
I rarely surprise myself. Mostly because I am a creature of habit and routine, as I’ve said many times. So when I do, it’s almost, well, even more surprising. 
I slept in on Sunday. I took it easy both Saturday and Sunday. I did not force myself to work. I… well, I kind of even… slacked off? 
This it not typical of me. I’ve written about how I suck at rest and giving myself grace. 
That means that “days off” don’t typically happen. I’m almost always working at least a little bit every day. 
But I went home sick one day last week, and I never do that. 
And then Saturday I felt like garbage again, but I pushed through and probably made it worse. 
By Saturday afternoon, I knew that my body was basically telling me that I needed to just. stop. 
So I slept in. I got 8+ hours of sleep. It. Was. Marvelous. 
I ran outside. I ran really really (really) slowly. But I was outside, listening to the birds, seeing the sun rise over the lake, and loving it. 
I didn’t even jump right into work when I got home. I took my time, showered, made some granola, read the paper (online, sheesh, it’s 2019 after all ;>), and even took a mini break to, um, organize the coat closet. (So, so needed…) 
Yes, I did get some work done. I sent emails. I worked on the “boring” documents for my grant. I got great comments and suggestions on the narrative for that from a colleague. But I didn’t jump right into making changes because I knew my brain needed to disconnect a bit, and that this week would be much better if I were able to do so. 
Still surprising myself in my mid-forties…what fun it is to know that I don’t know everything about myself yet…and I probably never will. 

Friday favorites (1)

Image result for practice gratitude quotes

Everyone seems to do this in the “blog world”, and I don’t consider myself a full-fledged member of that community. But still, it’s a great way to look back at the week and focus on the positive. So here goes…

1. Sunny and rainy spring days. Let me clarify here – not rainy all day, March-like days, but rather summer storms (which is what we’re having today and tonight). You can’t have sunshine all of the days – more than not would be nice! – but if I’m going to have rain, this is the kind of rain I like!

2. A productive week on the work front, thanks to summer break (ha, not for me…) and making significant progress conceptualizing and presenting my most recent proposal.

3. Coworkers who really care and who really help. Especially my next-door office neighbor, who has been just wonderful. It makes me realize that I am in the right place for me.

4. Good health care. From my therapist to my other docs, it’s just such a relief to have this. Of course, EVERYONE should have it, but I’m hopeful we’ll (eventually) get there. Just not in this administration…

5. Actually giving myself grace to shut it down Wednesday when I came home sick. I changed and laid on the couch and napped and felt so much better after just an hour down. I felt hideous Wednesday morning and wound up heading out of work about 10. Horrible stomach ache and pain and I just could not get it to go away. Usually I’d power through, but I actually did what was right for my body this time. Astonishing! 🙂

6. OK, one more… anti-frizz air dry cream. So superficial, but so awesome. My suddenly wavy hair (what IS this pre-menopause stuff?) is grateful. So am I.

I’m working all weekend, but that’s life on the tenure track. Time to buckle down for my Friday working-at-home (plus some food prep and a doc appt, of course).


Why I Wake Early
by Mary Oliver

Hello, sun in my face.
Hello, you who make the morning
and spread it over the fields
and into the faces of the tulips
and the nodding morning glories,
and into the windows of, even, the
miserable and crotchety–

best preacher that ever was,
dear star, that just happens
to be where you are in the universe
to keep us from ever-darkness,
to ease us with warm touching,
to hold us in the great hands of light–
good morning, good morning, good morning.

Watch, now, how I start the day
in happiness, in kindness.

I was going to write a long post of Thursday thoughts, and how although life has been a bit of a mess recently with family and dog and personal stuff…I’m doing okay. 
But then as I took the bus in to work today, I was completely taken in by the fact that we have sunshine! in the morning! and it’s not 20 degrees! 
I know I shouldn’t complain. I choose to live here. But man, it’s been a long winter and an even longer March. (Phone conversation the other day with a collaborator, she ended the call by saying, “Enjoy the March day out there!” which was, unfortunately, spot on…)
So today! Sunshine! 70! 
Life is good. 

Hindsight and perspective

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I’ve been thinking a lot about hindsight, how I interpreted actions and words of others in the moment, and what I think now. 
It’s astonishing, isn’t it, what a bit of distance, time, and self-reflection can do to change our minds? I’ve noticed this most prominently in my personal life, but it occurs in my professional life, too. And I’m trying not to beat myself up about it. I interpreted those events and words from the place I was then; I’m in a very different place now. And I’m glad I am. Now, the question for me is whether I share those insights (ha) with those whose words and actions I misinterpreted. 
Right now I’m leaning towards yes. That I need to acknowledge that I jumped to conclusions, or saw the other person’s actions through what was then a very blurry and distorted lens. I don’t know how that will be received, but I think it’s needed for me to move on from what was and into what will be. 
I’ve always assumed that I’m “done” growing and learning and figuring things out. Now, at (age I prefer not to write because holy cow, I cannot be that old!) I’ve realized that yeah, I don’t know anything. This learning, in my personal life and professional life? It never ends. And that’s the beauty of it all. If life were static – if I were static – man, wouldn’t that be boring? Sometimes, yes, I just wish things would just stay as they were. But that means that I’m not living, not changing, not growing, not remaining curious and enthralled about this world we live in. I guess I’d rather take the uncertainty and the fun that goes with it, than think I know everything. 

The most beautiful and most profound emotion we can experience is the sensation of the mysterious. ~Albert Einstein