One that hit home

“The way to live a full life is to act quickly. Particularly as you grow older, it’s alarmingly easy to let a year or two (or five) slip by without doing the big things you always felt like doing. You get into a rhythm—not necessarily one you love, but one you become comfortable repeating—and the grooves of your daily routine become deeper and more established. Speed is perpetually undervalued. That doesn’t mean you should feel frantic or rushed. In fact, it’s likely you should eliminate some of the things that make you feel so busy to make space for things you always wanted to do. But it definitely means you should stop letting the days drift by waiting for the moment to be right. Stop acting like there is infinite time. This—the way you are living right now—is your one life.” ~James Clear

This one hit hard, friends. I know I recently included another quote that reminded me that you never know when it will be the last time that you do something. To me, this quote (from James Clear, whose newsletters really hit home for me most weeks), is kind of the other side of that coin.

In some ways, we DO get to choose the last time that we do certain things. When we move, for example, or start a new job. There will always be a “last day” somewhere.

But what hit for me in this quote is the admonishment not to hold on tight to the way things are now, but to actively (and, if you go by the first sentence, quickly) make changes to our routine lives. As part of my reflections recently, on how I got to where I am, it’s occurred to me that I am definitely not who I used to be. This was also brought home by Julie, who posted a map of where she has been in the US. I got a ridiculously high score, mostly because I have lived in several states on both coasts and 2 in “the middle”. But I’ve stayed in or passed through many, many other states. I don’t do that anymore. And I really, really miss it.

I want to travel, but I talk myself out of it (the time! the expense! the unknown!), even though trips don’t have to be long, expensive, or to places that are exotically foreign to this now-Midwesterner. I just need to rip off the darn bandaid. Or, perhaps more practically, get in the darn car and go. I need to make this part of my hopes for 2024. I have a few, but this one needs a spot near the top of the list. Having a purpose – like my trip to Chicago in August to see the van Gogh exhibit – might help.

So, I hope to brainstorm some ideas, starting in January, then figure out what is doable, given my upcoming schedule. I probably should hold myself accountable in some way, so you may be subject to my musings here. Sorry in advance. 🙂

For those of you (ahem, Birchie) who travel more than I do at this point in my life… what prompted you to get out there and go?

Happy Monday. Wherever you are going today – even if it’s “just” to your desk – I hope it is a smooth trip. 😉

Limping to the finish line

I hate to do this, but I need to start today with a brief whining session.

I got 2 hours of sleep last night, and only because I went to bed ridiculously early. Why, you ask? Well, because the neighbors (yes, THOSE neighbors) had a party with people shrieking in the community room, the hallway, and their apartment from about 9:30-12:30. And also they had their music (and accompanying bass) up louder than ever. So loud that I was able to record it on my phone and can now share that with the apartment management. I’m at the end of my rope. I can’t live like this – no one can. Sigh.

So! Whining over. I have now managed to post 30 days in a row and I’m sure you will all be standing and clapping at your computers when I tell you that I am going to take a brief hiatus. But what this test has taught me is that engaging with this community online is even more important to me than I realized. You all know more about me than most people in my face-to-face life.

I assume that others also pick and choose the information they share with any person… yes? Because that’s definitely the case for me. There is no one that I can think of who knows literally everything going on in my life. I do wonder, though – do people share everything with their spouses/partners? Or are there things that they still keep to themselves? The people in my life kind of fit into buckets, for lack of a better term. Family, obviously. Friends-who-are-family. Work friends. Work colleagues. People I see regularly with whom I don’t have an ongoing relationship outside of the context in which I encounter them (e.g., the apartment manager who will be getting my email shortly).

But here? I don’t share everything, not even close. But taken together, I think you all have more knowledge of what’s inside my head (for better or worse, ha) than even some of my family members. And I so appreciate that. I appreciate your support and your comments and your commiseration when I only get 2 hours of sleep. I appreciate you coming by and reading my ramblings. So thank you for coming by, my friends. I hope you go well into the weekend, and that you take some time for you and those you love. <3

Thanks! but also, this week…

Thank you to everyone who commented on yesterday’s post seeking printer suggestions. I hope you all enjoyed the throwback to the days of Windows ME. 🙂

This week is, quite possibly, the most challenging week of my professional life. We’re talking over 25 years here, people. This is when I start looking back at jobs I’ve had throughout my career, and pining for the simpler days of showing up, doing the work, and heading home.

But it’s never that simple, is it? Even when I was in those positions, I was all in. I am, for better or worse, someone who cares a lot about the work that I put out there into the world, as well as how I interact and work with others, whether they are co-workers, patients, or students. It can make it difficult when things are going a bit off the rails (see: this week) and I’m struggling with how much I invest in my work and these relationships.

I suspect that the way I approach work is partly due to the fact that my professional identity is a large part of my personal identity. Is this because I am single with no kids? Is it just an inherent personality characteristic? Who knows… But I do know that even the hard days are worth it, in the end, and that my investment in relationships, especially, is not going to change. Those relationships have been even more important this week. They make it easier to navigate the tough days.

But if the universe could just stop throwing challenges in my path, I certainly would not argue with that. Two more days to go…

I don’t know who said this – probably many people – but it seems apt today: “The best views come after the hardest climbs.” (And gosh, I hope it’s true…)

Crowdsourcing a solution & ooof

This week has been a WEEK. How is it only Wednesday???

I’m taking the easy way out today – I need help with something, and maybe one of you can help. I have this ancient printer. It’s so old that the driver download site includes Windows Me. Does anyone else remember that short-lived disaster? What it does not include is Windows 11. Which means there is no driver for my (new) laptop. (Note: This is a home printer, but I want to use it with both my work laptop and my home laptop.)

I would like to find a small, reasonably-priced printer that will work with both a PC and a Mac (home laptop). My Mac is similarly ancient and I will need to replace it soon. Does anyone have a small printer at home that you would recommend? Ideally, if it’s wireless, it would have a cord-based backup, just in case. I don’t use my home printer often, but it’s helpful to have one for printing return labels, or printing something on a weekend when I don’t want to run in to the office.

Sorry for phoning it in today, my friends. Hump day cannot be over fast enough for me (and Saturday cannot come fast enough, either). I hope things in your world are going well.


I’m not going to be able to put up the longer post on the roads I’ve traveled, but I hope to get to that this week. It really is such an interesting idea, to me, at least.

But I’ve been thinking last night and this morning about short- and long-term regret. I sometimes regret things that happened far back in my past – e.g., how I approached my college years, the groups with which I was involved, and that kind of thing.

I also have short-term regrets. Today, I have some regrets (or, maybe, have had some second thoughts?) about how I led a particular segment of my class discussion yesterday. I often revisit my approach and my interactions with students later in the day, and I came away regretting several things I said, how I’d engaged one particular student in the discussion, and the fact that we spent more time in a rabbit hole than was probably needed.

The thing is, until I receive my evals, I have no idea how students perceive these discussions and interactions. I like having positive, productive relationships with my students (fyi, this is a VERY small class, so I interact with each student individually in and outside of class). And I want to be sure that what I say supports those relationships.

So it’s hard. I think this is a function of who I am as a teacher, and who I am as a person. Social anxiety + wanting to help my students think deeply about what we discuss in class and how it will be important in their future work = a lot of perseverating. I don’t know that I will ever be one of those professors who leaves a class session and just…leaves it behind. I’m always going to want to do better, which I think is good. I just wish it didn’t come with a side of regret and second thinking.

(and before you mention it, yes, The Power of Regret is on my TBR for break. :>)

Today’s quote, courtesy of Matt Haig and Notes on a Nervous Planet: “You are you. The past is the past. The only way to make a better life is from inside the present. To focus on regret does nothing but turn that very present into another thing you will wish you did differently. Accept your own reality.”

Have a wonderful Tuesday.