2018 turned out to be a pretty darn good year. Looking back, and reading all of the end-of-year surveys and comprehensive lists of what people did / read / experienced, I realized that my 2018 was right up there in the good ones.
- I started a job that I really, really love, in a location that I enjoy more everyday.
- I did not move. This is HUGE for me, as I have moved more times than I can count in my adult life. Seriously, I needed extra pages for my FBI background checks for different jobs.
- I got rid of a lot of clutter and crap. Cleaning out feels so good – and holding on to things “just in case” or because of a vague memory, well, I found out that does not work for me. And that’s okay!
- Donated a lot of that stuff (which was actually in pretty good shape, not “crap”…)
- Made some work friends. Some of whom might, eventually, become out-of-work friends.
- Read. A lot. I actually set a Goodreads goal for 2019 of 20 books – my first reading challenge! – and I really hope I blow it out of the water. Of course, that means that I have to actually record the books I read!
- Journaled. A lot.
- Started this blog.
- Kept connecting in unexpected ways with others.
- Meditated nearly every day (she writes, on a day she did not meditate…).
- Put my TV in the closet.
- Submitted a really big grant.
- Went to Maine for 2 weeks.
- Went to Hawaii for 8 days.
- Saw my parents twice, as well as my extra-parents.
- Napped more than I have.
- Tried a bunch of new things – Pilates, new foods – and enjoyed most of them.
- Started my journey back to being me.
2019 is starting off pretty well, too. Time to see where it takes me…