“Pull a thread here and you’ll find it’s attached to the rest of the world.”
Nadeem Aslam
I’m astonished by how much I want to connect with others recently. I wrote about this in my personal journal here, and wanted to share this quote, as I think it really sums up what I’ve been moving towards all year.
This was a quote that Holstee (a wonderful, wonderful subscription that I love so much) had on Instagram the other day, and it immediately made me think of the Tree of Life. And my current interest in humanism. And the realization, over time, that we are all connected. What one does, says, creates…is never in isolation. Your actions, your words, everything you do and are emanates out and affects others in some (usually small) way.
I’ve been wearing a lovely little Tree of Life necklace I was fortunate enough to find when I was in Maine last summer. I use my necklaces as little statements of where my mind is at that time. I’ve been wearing one that is the Norwegian rune for “joy” for years, when I want to remember to do things that spark joy in my life. I have an infinity sign, when I need to be reminded that I am one small blip who barely even registers in the great history of humanity. And recently, it’s been this Tree of Life.
I don’t know why I suddenly want to connect so much. But I’m going to go with it. I have been a hermit for so long that it’s a bit of a change. OK, a bit of a BIG change. But I like it. I don’t have to connect with everyone … but maybe, just maybe, it’s time to start building my tribe.