Simplifying…But not Kondo-ing

My mind was always very cluttered, so I took great pains to simplify my environment, because if my environment were half as cluttered as my mind, I wouldn’t be able to make it from room to room. 

Leonard Cohen

It’s February, so the “fix your life” posts and articles and goals and resolutions have really slowed down, but it’s still something that’s been in my ever-spinning mind. It occurred to me yesterday that we have really complicated the whole idea of simplicity.

We don’t ask whether something is useful, if we love it, or if it works for us…we have to ask if it “sparks joy”.

We can’t rely on simple to-do lists and calendars, but instead must develop complicated integrated systems of online calendars, large (and expensive) planners, and then apply them in all areas of our lives.

I’ve been seeking, as it is my word for the year. And this weekend, I realized that there are a few things I’m truly seeking:

  • Adventure
  • Becoming more vulnerable
  • Simplicity 

And simplicity was really front-of-mind this weekend. We all get caught up in the consumer-driven culture, but I am truly trying to buy less. And if I do buy something, then something leaves.

I’m trying to read my bookshelves.

I’m simplifying the recipes I have saved – and the ones I use.

I am trying to simplify my work life, but I think that’s a losing battle. There are constantly competing threads of research, scholarship, service, and they all need attention and care. And I have goals, too, that I need to achieve in each.

So I am focusing on simplifying my personal life. In many ways, I already have. But I’m starting to realize that many of the things I have done in the last year – donating clothing, realizing what I feel comfortable wearing (and it’s not, despite my mother’s insistence, what SHE thinks is best for me to wear!), and so on, have been a way of simplifying my life. My meals are boring many times, but they are simple, don’t take a lot of time to prepare, and are made up of nourishing foods I like.

So yes, life really is simple. It can always be more so… but I’m getting there. I’m trying not to over-complicate my approach to simplifying, though. I don’t need that. 🙂

This applies to my relationships, and my overthinking in general, as well, but today I just wanted to write about life simplifying in general…maybe something deeper tomorrow.

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.

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