Not a questionable decision

An unexpected one, but not questionable.

A few weeks ago, Stephany posted about how she was grateful that it was finally peppermint mocha season. OK, I confess – I scoffed. I’ve never been one for holiday coffees (no, not even pumpkin spice) and usually go for plain nondairy creamer in my coffee.

But something about “peppermint mocha” made me think that I might actually like that taste. So when my grocery store had it on sale last week, I picked some up.

Friends, this was not a questionable decision. It tastes so good – and so different from my usual! It’s a lovely way to oh-so-slightly emerge from my grinchiness and embrace the season. So thanks, Stephany! And go me, for making a good decision. 😉

Happy Monday, friends. I hope re-entry after the holiday for those in the US is as smooth as possible. Post-holiday Mondays are the hardest Mondays, for sure.

16 thoughts on “Not a questionable decision

  1. But…pumpkin spice is so good?!

    When my MIL was alive, she would buy me the peppermint creamer to keep at her house and then I’d make cup after cup of decaf coffee with that shizz. I haven’t had it in YEARS, though. Maybe I should figure out a drink I could make at home and bring it back into my life.

    1. Your MIL sounds like a lovely person. What a nice way of helping someone have an infrequent (but obviously much-loved) treat.
      And I am seriously trying to remember if I have EVER tried pumpkin spice. Perhaps I should try it? Hmmm…

  2. I love this little holiday-ish moment! I, too, have never been a fan of seasonal drinks or coffees (but, that might stem from not having tried coffee until the last 3 years or so…). Then, on our family trip to New Hampshire in August, my daughter got one of Starbuck’s kid-friendly fall drinks and, as 10-year-olds do, immediately decided she hated it and asked for something else. It was some sort of apple crisp inspired drink (really, it was probably warm apple juice with some add-ins) and I fell in LOVE! I ended up trying the coffee version of it the next week and it was my perfect fall treat. I haven’t tried the winter flavors yet (I have trouble reconciling mint and coffee flavors in my brain), but I just might!

    1. Oh, gosh, I remember a drink they had YEARS ago that was like what you describe… I think it was called caramel apple cider or something like that. The sugar in the juice (because let’s be real, you’re right that that is what it really is… :>) plus the whipped cream PLUS the caramel swirl on top would keep me going through most of a 12 hour night shift. Ah, good times. And the metabolism of a 24 year old, LOL.

    2. I recently ordered an iced decaf americano from my local coffee shop online, but when I got there, the barista said that one of their machines was down, so they couldn’t make the decaf. She recommended a hot apple cider with chai as a replacement and it was sooooo good, but now I don’t really know how to ask for that exact same drink. LOL. It will live forever in my memory, I guess, when I go back to my boring iced decaf americano.

  3. Yay, I am glad you found something to add to the list of things that bring you joy.
    I must say, I am also not for fancy coffees (I take my latte with soy milk, thankyouverymuch), but I am intrigued to try the peppermint mocha myself.

    1. I really, really like it as something different. I use nutpods creamer (unsweetened, usually the vanilla) or pea milk but as a change of pace, this works, for sure. The only challenge is that it’s not my typical kind of creamer – it’s mass-produced, with all sorts of ingredients I usually try avoid. That said, it’s a couple weeks of the year so I doubt it’ll be the thing that finishes me off. 😉

  4. I have also been drinking peppermint mocha creamer in my coffee for the last week. It’s VERY festive, and I know I won’t “burn out” on the flavour because it’s seasonal.
    I’m already excited for tomorrow morning to have another peppermint mocha coffee <3


    Peppermint mochas are so good. Coffee-Mate’s peppermint mocha creamer is a year-round treat for me, haha, but there’s really something special about having it at this time of the year. <3

    1. See, Stephany, you’re an influencer!!! And that’s the kind I got. They have it year-round? This could be dangerous. 😉 (Although Engie wants me to try pumpkin spice – which I have never had – so I may have to do that out of season. Ha!)

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