Four more days

I came across a word this weekend – a German word, no less (hi, San!) – that captures everything about this time of year for faculty. Torschlusspanik. According to the person who wrote the column, it means, literally, “gate close panic”. (San can, hopefully, back this up? It’s the same definition given on Wiktionary and what seems to be an actual German site, the local.) This person put it in the context of the end of the academic year – the rush to finish everything from the academic year so one can shift into the summer term (or summer break) feeling as though one has ticked all the boxes. Some of those boxes must be ticked – entering student grades, for example. But we somehow manage to make it worse (of course). We cram as many things into the last week before summer that we can. Like meetings that start at 1 pm on Friday – literally, the last day of the semester for faculty.

That’s life right now. Four more days. I’m taking a bit of a break next week, then back to teach and work over the summer.

I hope you are hanging in there, all of you. I know there are a lot of heavy things you are all carrying with you (or lugging, as the wonderful Elisabeth described). I’ll be over here experiencing Torschlusspanik and thinking of you, my friends.

20 thoughts on “Four more days

    1. Getting closer, for sure. Right now I’m in the middle of trip prep so a bit distracted, but I’ve spent time this week taking meetings OFF my calendar. What a revelation! (Sigh…)

  1. German is the best language. I’m not quite sure how to pronounce torschlusspanik but it’s the perfect word for this time of year.

    Enjoy your week off! You have earned it.

    1. San commented that this interpretation may be a bit… not standard. But it works for me! The gate is closing on the semester, for sure. Getting even closer now. So sorry I missed meeting you this past weekend – but hopefully soon!

  2. Hey my friend, so happy to see a post pop up from you in Feedly! 🙂 So great you’re checking in.
    I can confirm that Torschlusspanik does indeed translate to “gate close panic”, but I have really only heard it in the context of a woman’s fear that time is running out to get married and/or have kids.
    I guess it’s “transferable” to other situations, but not used like that idiomatically in German.

    Either way, I am happy to hear a break is around the corner for you. You deserve it!

    1. Thanks, my friend. I am eagerly awaiting Saturday and my very early departure. I even love the drive – so nice to just hit the road and have a destination in mind. Simple, but appealing.
      Ah, that’s interesting about the context for using the word. That definitely makes sense. My suspicion is that this is an “Americanized” interpretation of the term, but it does seem rather appropriate for the mental image of the gate swinging closed on the semester (and about to hit us all in the rear. :>).

  3. Hang in there! End of semester is SO busy, and then to have to teach over the summer means not much of a break.

    I also loved Elisabeth’s post about the luggage we’re dragging around. So beautifully written.

    1. Wasn’t that post wonderful? Such a perfect analogy.
      End of the semester is just a mess, I think, most places. We’re terrible at fixing this, though, so we soldier on. Every time. (Sigh…)

  4. Now it’s even closer to over!! Woot woot! Hopefully you can get a bit of a rest before jumping back in.

    Grades were due here yesterday and there was still a bit of a buzz on campus, but now it’s really just my office that is open in our academic building and I’m finding it disconcerting. I want the buzz! I want random students walking in! I want faculty members to wander in while I’m eating lunch to ask philosophical questions!

    But first year advising programs will start soon and I’ll be kicking myself for not enjoying this downtime.

    1. For goodness sakes, don’t wish the downtime away! If grades are in, then maybe Dr. BB also has a bit of a lighter load? I hope? The buzz on campus here has died down to a hum. I’ve been home most of the week – no real reason to go in – but will head in today and tomorrow (the meetings, argh).
      I am so ready to head out on the drive east. I know, I’m weird, but I do love it. 🙂
      (Now go do something to enjoy your downtime, my friend.)

  5. 2 more days now! Oof to that Friday meeting, but cheers for a break before summer teaching begins. Safe travels, my friend, and enjoy every bit of this downtime once you reach the no more days moment! Lots of deep breaths from over here for you!!

    1. I lost this comment in the craziness of wrapping up and then heading out on my week “off”, Lindsay, I’m so sorry. I did make it (whew), the Friday afternoon meeting wasn’t ridiculously long (whew, again), and I’m spending time with my family before starting things up again next week. Hoping for some more margin and breathing room in my days. I imagine you are hoping the same for your weekends – I think it’s now close to the end of Recital Bonanza? 🙂 Hope you survived.

  6. Oh yes, I know about counting the days. Perhaps it’s even over for you now? I hope you’ll get some breathing space this summer.

    1. They did, finally, get to 0. Whew. It was a near thing there close to the end. I’m enjoying a bit of down time – with some work, of course, because the summer course needs to be live on Saturday. But! Yesterday I spent a happy hour with my hands in the dirt, helping plant some herbs, and hoping for a little shopping trip today. 🙂 Hope you are fully in to summer these days, my friend.

      1. That sounds lovely! Planting is such a relaxing thing to do! (Except when you have the dig holes first, haha!) We’ve had some beautiful summer weather recently, and we’re fully enjoying it. BBQ in the garden, being out in tank top, etc.. that’s my thing.

        1. It’s definitely switching to summer here (well, where I am and at home). There were terrible storms at home the other night and I spent yesterday worrying about having to throw out everything in my fridge/freezer. Thankfully, the power stayed on (although it did not for many, many people).
          And yes, planting is lovely. These were in pots, so even better!

    1. Tobia, I am always SO late to your parties that I often skip commenting, a terrible habit of mine. I have one of your old reading posts queued up now – I am committing to commenting on it this time! (It’s from….May 9. Sigh. This whole “work” thing seriously interferes with my blog reading life.)

  7. I am very late to comment, in large part because my own “gate close panic” took over May and has oozed over into June, and I am just now getting back to some semblance of “normal.” I hope your break was restful and that summer sessions are off to a good start!

    1. I’m sorry your own “gate close panic” was creeping up on you… not fun, is it? That said, I hope that you and C are enjoying the heck out of your summer. And, TBH? I often don’t comment on your blog because I’m a) so late to the party, and b) don’t want to overburden you. I still read every post, and love reading them. I need to let you know that more. <3

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