Bright spots

A quick post, in the spirit of Elisabeth’s Happy Things Fridays. (She has a new one up today, fyi. :>)

I had intended to write a longer post this morning, but was derailed when I went in to update a Word document and found that Copilot had been installed without MS asking me about it. Things I Do Not Like About Technology. But! Moving on to brighter things (and if anyone can help me get the darn thing off my MS apps on my Mac, please share!).

Engie has been a bright spot in my life for over a year now. She extracted me from my apartment – figuratively, if not literally, kicking and screaming, and helped me relearn how to engage with people and the world. I am so grateful to have found her blog, and her, and for her persistence and willingness to accommodate my many weirdnesses.

We’ve gotten together with Birchie in the past year, and now Sarah in the very beginning of 2025! I will say it again – this blogging community means so much to me. So thank you Engie, and Birchie, and Sarah, for knowing my quirks and, well, talking to me anyway. 🙂

Other bright spots? Finally making some small moves on the health front, with still unknown outcomes. But something is being done, and that makes a difference. My health care providers – despite the desperate state of health care in the US – are another bright spot in my life.

I’m also maintaining my joy-bringing habits – music, reading (finishing The God of the Woods and have thoroughly enjoyed it, then moving on to The Women). I’ve gotten rid of things that don’t work for me (more clothing will be out the door shortly) and getting somewhere with limiting the things that don’t bring me joy. For me, checking things off a list is a bright spot, indeed.

Finally, I picked my word of the year. I think this one will stick: priorities. It goes with many of my bright spots – continuing to connect, reading, music, decluttering. All of you. And in the spirit of that word, a quote from James Clear: “Caring about everything is a disaster. Caring about nothing is also a disaster. Nurture the small pocket of things that truly matter to you.” More to come about my priorities, and “goals”, if one can call them that, soon, I hope.

You all truly matter to me. Be well, my friends. Let’s help each other through these last two weeks (!!) of January.

22 thoughts on “Bright spots

  1. Yay for the blogger meetups! Yay for health progress! Yay for joy bringing habits!!! Yay for the year of priorities (your priorities, not everyone else’s ahead of your own).

    1. Yes, exactly – MY priorities. I am trying to let go of my perfectionism but it is so hard to escape. Like Stephany, I need things to be predictable and knowing that I won’t be able to predict my semester is… hard. Hoping the changes in health management help – so far, not so much, but it’s early days. Also hope we can see each other again this year!

  2. Oh wow, look at all those blogger meetups! Oooooh I am so jealous but also so happy for you! That sounds absolutely lovely.
    Priorities – yes! We can’t do everything, we just need to pick a few things to focus on. I am with you on that. Also, with you on clearing out the closet. You should see the amount of clothes I have for donation. Hoo boy. It’s something.
    I’m glad there is some positive news with regards to your health!

    1. Well, then, come to the Midwest! We’re very welcoming here. Not quite Canadian-level, but getting close?
      Oh, Nicole. The clothing that’s there that I haven’t worn in years, because “what if”? It’s time to let go! And the clothes that when I put them on, I just feel… meh. I know you get it. I need to find some good replacements for some pieces, but not many. Hope your closet is decluttered soon. <3

  3. I love that quote from James Clear! Perfect if you want to curate your priorities! Like I need to do too.
    That’s insane about Copilot! It’s really upsetting how the tech world has decided that “everyone is probably ok with all this AI nonsense”. I’m thinking of gradually removing Adobe from my life for that reason. I’m not upset over the stupid hype that was all over social media a few months ago, but rather annoyed that they sneak in AI options all over the place in their software and create clutter everywhere when I just want to keep designing using the good old tools I’ve always used. If they’ll be all about AI then I’m not their desired customer, simply.

    I’m so happy for you about the positives on health!!!! And about Engie et al getting you out of the house! I wish I could do that too, but the flights are too long, ha!

    1. Oh, don’t get me started on Copilot. Sheesh. I got a new phone this week and you would have fallen over if you knew how long it has taken me to get it functioning. This is not the first time I have done this but it is the first time in a long time. Ooof. Anyway, here’s hoping that the health management changes help…I need some relief. I know you know what that feels like. <3

  4. Woot woot!! Look at you leaving your apartment and meeting people! We’ll have to come up with something fun for our next adventure.

  5. I am catching up on blogs and reading this “happy things” post from you, Anne, made my day. I also loved to see another blogger meetup and YOU in the middle of it 🙂 You sound… better? More positive? Joyful even? You’re making progress on so many fronts and that delights me.
    Love you, friend.

    1. Trying to be more joyful, San, for sure. I’m glad that came through. My attitude determines so much, and as much as I want perfection, sometimes I have to let sanity, happiness, and joy win instead. Come on out to Wisconsin and we’ll host the meetup to end all meetups! You know I’d love to meet you in person. Thank you for being here and your neverending support. <3

  6. Blog friends really are the best kind of friends! I hope to meet Engie in person someday! And you, too!

    This has been a melancholy sort of week for me as I’ve been recovering from hand surgery. The cold weather certainly isn’t helping. It’s going to get bitterly cold here in the next couple of days, but the upside is that I’ll feel a bit less guilty about all the loafing around I’m doing! Not that I should feel guilty about that of course.

    1. Yes! A get together would be so amazing. Maybe not in the winter, but … 🙂
      I’m right there with you in terms of melancholy. I hope your hand recovers more quickly than they said – you are definitely NOT a typical patient – and that you can go back to holding hands with Will without fear of excruciating pain. You need a break, my friend. (AND NO GUILT – my goodness, you are just like me! :>)

  7. I love the quote about caring, it’s exactly right, and reminds me of something a friend told me a few years ago that I will share on my blog, as it comes with visual aids. I also am so thankful to have found this blogging community. I found it through Engie also, who came to my blog how? Perhaps Nance? But from Engie I found San which means NaBloPoMo 2022. I’m glad that I found YOU and your blog…I think I found you through the Secret SANta swap, I hadn’t visited before that.

    1. Ooh, can’t wait to read that blog post! I love all of your content, but that post sounds like it will be especially wonderful. 🙂
      And yes, this blogging community is sometimes what gets me through the day. I love caring about other peoples’ lives- the good and the bad. I haven’t had this sense of community in a long, long time, and I am so glad you are a part of it. <3

  8. Oh, I LOVE that quote. I have been veering between apathetic despair and impotent rage, and that seems like a good way to try to maintain a balance between the two (alas, I have no balance. My poor daughter has never been able to learn how to ride a bike, and that’s ALL ON ME).
    I know what a massive relief it is to have health concerns addressed even before you know if there will be a good outcome, so happy for you on that front.
    Meeting bloggers! So fun! Stupid geography. Oh well, I get to see Nicole now and then, which is an embarrassment of riches.

    1. Argh, had a comment typed up and lost it. 😛
      The health challenges remain, but at least there is (semblance of) a plan. This week will be at true test of my ability to push through, so wish me luck. I know you know a lot about how one is feeling can affect one’s days.
      That quote just hit me, right in the gut. I tend to care too much – shocker – and investing so deeply in everything is, well, exhausting. This year, I am going to try to take things OFF the list, rather than adding things TO the list. We’ll see how it goes. 🙂

      1. Best of luck and all the good thoughts. But don’t push through to the point that it hurts you. I know it feels sometimes like slowing down is impossible, but most times it’s really not, just inconvenient.

        1. Thanks for your insights, Allison. You nailed it – it’s inconvenient. For me, it’s also, well, terrifying. Full speed ahead is the speed I know. I need to take lessons from you and everyone else in the blogosphere who clearly has learned otherwise. <3

  9. I love this update and all of your bright spots. And I am so glad you have people like Engie nearby who can make sure you get out and be around GOOD PEOPLE. We need that more than ever right now! It’s going to be a long, hard four years.

    I’m glad to hear there has been positive momentum on the health front. My health has been a mess and just when I thought things were on the upswing, BAM, bad bloodwork. Sigh. All we can do is try our best, right?

    Thanks for being the bright spot in this blogging community, Anne!

    1. Stephany, I love looking for bright spots, too, and I desperately need them right now as the semester starts full-swing tomorrow. Wish me luck, ok? It’s going to be… interesting. Put it in the context of the state of the US (sigh) and the wider world (really heavy sigh), and it seems like being in community and supporting each other might be one of the best ways to get through.
      I’m sorry about your bloodwork, friend. While there were some changes to my plan, it turns out that, well, they’re not making a huge difference. I might know more after this week, but maybe not. Thinking of you. <3

  10. Lovely to read from you Anne.
    Sounds like you really found a local tribe outside the blog community as well. I love it when online and real life friends overlap. I just had a breakfast date with an online now real life friend I got to know through instagram, who used to live in Prague. we were pen pals through Covid and now she moved to Berlin. Life is fun sometimes and the internet can be used for so many great things.

    Looking forward following your journey of priorities.

    1. Thanks, Tobia. It’s been a long 2025 already, unfortunately, nationally and personally. I’m definitely needing to prioritize!
      Internet friends are real friends. i love how when we meet in person, we can just skip the annoying small talk and cut to the good stuff. 🙂

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