I don’t usually talk about my daily life here on this blog, but… well, maybe it’s time to turn over a new leaf / open a door / share a smidge? I just lead such a, well, boring and routine life. No kids. No dog. I live alone, separately from my spouse, most of the time. It’s weird, compared to a lot of other peoples’ lives, but it works for me, and for us, and so I continue on.
Let’s just say I’ve been a really bad sleeper in the last few years. I’m not sure whether it’s because I have autoimmune conditions, or because I’ve had some significant anxiety and other issues, like, well, lots of upheaval (moving, job stuff, things you really don’t want to know about…).
And I was coming here to brag this morning about how well I’ve been sleeping – weirdly -for the last 3 nights, and how unexpected and how lovely this development was, and how much energy I’ve had, and blah blah blah.
And even though I slept really well last night, again, I just feel like garbage today.
It was an annoying morning at the gym – equipment not working correctly, TV connection was spotty, I felt like crap on my run.
It’s supposed to be rainy and cloudy all day.
I’m struggling with my grant writing.
I have to have a budget meeting for said grant this morning, and I really don’t wanna.
So instead of bragging, here I am, um, whining? Gee, welcome! I’m so glad you’re here (as you sprint out of my blog space…).
Time for a shift in perspective, I guess. If I’m going to say in yesterday’s post about how well I’m doing with those, then it’s time to live up to that! My day can only get better from here. I’m hydrating (I think I might be dehydrated for some reason?). Reviewing the budget so I can be sure that I know what we want to keep and what to drop. Reminding myself to be ruthless in editing my grant.
I can do hard things. This stuff is not nearly as hard as what a lot of people deal with on a daily basis.
Time to suck it up. Time to start this day again.