Well, a new *virtual* home, anyway. If you’ve been here before (and thank you, if you have – I truly appreciate everyone who reads), then you’ve probably realized that I made the jump and switched from Blogger to WordPress. It’s been… a process. A learning process. And a humbling one. Nothing like making a change like this to help you realize just how much you don’t know.
But… I’m glad to be in a more customizable, more accessible virtual space. I never thought I’d get to this point with this blog – it was just a way to have conversations with myself, essentially, in a virtual space. An extension of my written journal, in a way. But then I started reading other blogs, and (eventually) leaving comments, and finding out just how valuable a virtual community can be, in addition to the community and network I am building where I live. I’ve found others who have similar interests, whose writing I love to read. And I wanted to be a more, well, semi-permanent part of that virtual community.
I know I’ll never have thousands of followers. That’s not my goal. But I do appreciate the opportunity to share some of the random thoughts in my head, to know that somewhere, out there (ha, old 80s movie reference…), there are others who have similar thoughts, who may find their way here, too. I look forward to building and growing my little community, and feel like this is the first, well, grown-up step to doing that.
So thanks again for reading and being here. It means a lot.