For we are the sum total of the truths by which we live…
fia skye
Month: April 2019
Dumbledore, as always, knows all

I’ve never liked yellow, but…
I found this quote recently: “It’s not as if one day you’ll just look down and discover that you’re on the yellow brick road, living the life of your dreams. But that one day you’ll look back and discover you always were.”
Habits, routines and ruts
I am a creature of habit and routine. I freely admit this. My day to day life – particularly, of course, during the week – is a series of highly repetitive events, even meals. This works for me. At least, I think it does.
One of my major challenges in life is identifying when a habit or routine that I love is no longer helping me.
And yet again, Fia Skye of spoke to me with her writing this week, on the Habit of Habits (
“Here’s the thing about habits. We make a particular choice to do something because in the moment, it seems like a solution to a perceived problem. As humans, we are constantly problem-solving. We make a choice because, given the way we’ve arranged the information we have, it’s the perfect thing to do. And if that choice works, we make that same choice in a similar situation again (and again… and again…)”
and later in her post, “So habits, perpetual choices, intentional practices, solutions we choose to address problems we perceive… are mutable, in flux, able to shift according to my desires and the vows I adhere to.”
Being me…
… So how do THOSE all fit together?
I get these “emails from the Universe” every weekday. Some days they’re pretty out there, yet other days, the brief statements just, well, speak to me.
Monday’s was one of the ones that spoke to me:
There are so many things you don’t know. Things, quite frankly, that you can’t know. About the magic, the unseen, and the miraculous logistics that can so swiftly change a life. It’s enough to daunt even the hardiest of souls. But, then again, one needn’t learn the mysteries of the wind, to sail effortlessly around the world, either.