Unexpected Joy

I know, I know, I used joy in the last subject, too. But, well, I think we could all use a bit of joy in our lives right now. 2020 has been… yeah. We all know how it’s been. But I’m determined to see it out with a bit of joy, a lot of light, and a celebration of what was and is to come.

After I wrote my last post, two surprise packages delivered a bit of holiday cheer… My parents sent me a little (fake) tabletop tree that makes me smile every time I look at it, cheesy though it is. And a longtime friend sent me an amaryllis bulb, which I hope to a) not kill, and b) see bloom in a few weeks. Wouldn’t that be a lovely start to 2021?

A few days ago, when I was pulling up some music on YouTube to start my morning (a typical occurrence), I somehow stumbled on #GlobalOdetoJoy. It’s wonderful – there is a 6 minute or so compilation of the “socially distanced choir” singing Ode to Joy, accompanied by the Vienna Symphony. That, though, led me to this:

Remember flash mobs? They had a brief blip of popularity a few years ago. This one made me choke up this morning. The best part about it is watching the kids’ reactions to the music. The joy on their faces… let’s just say it made my morning.

As Hermann Hesse said, “Do not overlook the little joys.”

I hope you are finding some joy and light this season, as we emerge from the darkest time of the year and tilt, ever so slowly, to the light.

4 thoughts on “Unexpected Joy

  1. We can look for joy in most situations. I’ve had a tough autumn but find joy and gratitude with being alive, healthy, that I haven’t lost a loved one and that we’re not affected financially.
    How sweet of them to send a mini Christmas tree! I miss having a tree. We planned to get one but didn’t want a full size tree since our house is so small, and didn’t find any small trees for sale.. but that’s ok. We have good food, technology for talking with our families, and music.

    1. I completely agree with all of your sources of joy. I will take them where I can get them this year! Right now, though, I confess that anticipation of 2021 is bringing me joy. 😉

      The tiny tree was perfect! I think I shall take it down today – my mother always aims to have the Christmas decorations down by New Year’s, and I am much the same – but it has brought me so much joy to have it lit at night. It reminded me that “minimal decor” doesn’t mean “no decor”.

      I hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

  2. Oh, I am so happy that your parents sent you a tree and that it brought you so much joy! SEE! You need to decorate, even if it’s just for yourself!!

    BTW, next time, you sign up for my Christmas Card Roll Call and you’ll get extra mail in your mailbox 🙂

    1. You’re absolutely right – decorating is a small thing that makes me smile. I don’t have to go all-out a la my mother (like mother – NOT like daughter, apparently!) but a little bit goes a long way. You’ll be happy to know that when I took the little Christmas tree down, I replaced it with a beautiful little fairy light tree that makes me so happy. It’s perfect for dark evenings!
      And yes, I plan on signing up next year – I am finding out just how much joy connecting with others virtually brings me. 🙂

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