Gathering all the motivation (and caffeine)

Starting my Monday hoping to power through on caffeine and the need to get. things. done.

I’m staring down the last few weeks of the semester (um, four? I think there are four after this week?) and realizing just how bonkers it’s going to be. Guest lectures. Students needing to have their materials reviewed, commented on, and returned. Meetings (of course). And sprinkled in there, my desire to go through the clutter and get rid of some of it (or at least have a plan!).

So I’m gathering my motivation and (being perfectly honest here) drinking all the caffeine. I know this isn’t good for my sleep difficulties, but needs must.

And, I’d like to take some time this week to, you know, be thankful for all I have. I love my job, and I am so lucky to have it. I think it’s going to be really important to keep that front of mind as I shift into end-of-the-semester mode. (And maybe forget, in the moment, that I actually do like what I do, ha…)

Balancing motivation, thankfulness, and caffeine. I can do this, right? (Any tips? ;>)

14 thoughts on “Gathering all the motivation (and caffeine)

  1. END OF SEMESTER is no joke. I have THREE lectures left (because we have a workshop and a take home exam), and I miiiiiiight be counting down.

  2. I think that you are already on the right track! Just by admitting that it is going to be hard, but knowing that in the end it is something you enjoy, kind of makes it more worth it as you go along! I am sure you have heard of type two fun; where it is hard/scary/dangerous as you are doing it, but when you are done, you feel so good and when you talk about it later, you say how amazing it was!? You are going to have a bit of type two fun in the next few weeks, but you know that at the end you have the holidays and you will probably sit and reminisce about how good the semester was!

    1. OK, I have never heard of type two fun. (I probably have less knowledge of “fun” than I should… :>) So I’ll be adding looking that up to my to-do list now. Thanks! I hope I am able to look back and say it was a great semester. It’s had its ups and downs, for sure. 🙂

  3. Ugh. The end of the semester madness. I think anything should be allowed in that the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Just get through it! You can do it!

  4. This sounds hectic. I hate caffeine, but I do resort to using it when I have a long drive to do and I’m sleepy. I’d say fresh air. Take a 10-20 minute walk outdoors and hopefully that will be just the break you need to power thru. Good luck.

    1. You are a very smart woman, Ernie. I do shove “walk outside” down the list of things to do when I get busy, and I really shouldn’t. Many days, my time outside is limited to about, oh, 10 minutes total. As in, walking to/from my car and my evening circuit of my apartment building (to remind myself of the world beyond my desk/laptop…). Sad, isn’t it? I need to be more purposeful about fresh air, for sure.

  5. I tell myself that coffee is more for comfort for me than caffeine, but I won’t deny its power to keep me going…. I think you can do this end of semester madness. At least you’re doing stuff that is fun, even if it feels like a lot at times!

    1. It is a lot. A really lot. 🙂 Caffeine may not give me superpowers, but it sure does help me get through the day (she says, as she sips her first cup of coffee… made with the recently-received coffee maker. :>)

  6. I certainly don’t envy college/uni teachers at the end of semester (or any time really). Take all the caffeine you need and hang in there. That’s all I can say.

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