The things on this list are those that simply don’t make me happy. It’s taken me too long to really learn this lesson – that this is my life, and I should do what I love. What I don’t? It’s time to let it go.
So… a few things that I almost never do:
- Watch TV. I can’t say that I never do this, because I am a SportsCenter devotee, and will watch that at the gym because I don’t have to pay attention to every small detail to keep up. But, I don’t have a TV in my apartment, and I don’t stream anything to my iPad or laptop. It’s just not worth it to me. This is why I am completely at sea when people talk about what they’re watching, or recent favorites, or what to binge. Books? Sure. TV shows? Um, no. My mother even watched Downton Abbey … but I did not.
- Watch movies in the theater. The last movie I saw in a theater was the last Lord of the Rings movie. I remember where I was living – and that I was not yet with my spouse. So that’s a long time ago. I have watched movies via streaming or, years ago, on DVD. But I just don’t go to the theater. He doesn’t like it, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized I preferred watching the few movies I do see at home, with my own popcorn, the ability to pause when I need to, and no sticky floors. 🙂
- Drink coffee. This is a new one. I’ve recently transitioned to tea, because coffee (after 10 years!) started tasting funny. I don’t get it, but the tea is working, so I can’t argue. I guess. I did like coffee, though. Sigh.
- Go to evening events. This is a pathetic one, but I love my evening wind-down routine. It calms me and gets me situated for the next day. I will, obviously, go to events that I want to go to, or that I need to attend for my job or relationships that are important to me. But going out to on a random Tuesday night? Not likely to happen.
- Get to inbox zero. The only time I have achieved this is when I am leaving jobs. Ha.